ways to Give
Giving online is simple and secure.
Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

Why give?
Your generosity defines your experience
Generosity is a principle sewn into the fabric of God's creation. Those who give freely are happier, healthier, and experience more blessings. We invite you to give it a try — test God even — and watch what He does when we trust Him to orchestrate our finances.

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. — Proverbs 11:25
How we use tithe funds
Harvest Church has a huge heart for community — both local and global! A good chunk of your tithes and offerings go toward simply bettering the lives of people, whether or not they attend Harvest. And, of course, some of the funds are used to provide ministries for our congregation, pay staff salaries, keep up our facilities, etc. Click for more info:

Financial Accountability
Harvest Church is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, which requires high standards of biblical accountability, board governance, financial transparency, integrity in fund raising, and proper use of charity resources.
For questions regarding finances or online giving, contact ashley.drange@harvestchurch.tv
Legacy giving
Giving through a will or estate has many lasting benefits. Not only does it give legs to projects that will genuinely help the people who need it most, but in many cases, you can reduce inheritance tax on your estate and increase the amount available for your loved ones by leaving a gift to a charitable organization. More info on that tax deduction:
If you need to create a will, here's an inexpensive online resource recommended by Dave Ramsey.
If you already have a will and would like to include Harvest in it, contact your will provider with our formal name, address and charity number:
Harvest Church
1235 West Wicks Ln.
Billings, MT 59105
Giving stocks or bonds
For more info about legacy giving or giving stocks, contact our
Director of Finance Ashley at ashley.drange@harvestchurch.tv
Financial resources
If you're struggling to live well in your current financial situation, we highly recommend taking an online course at Financial Peace University. It's well worth your time and the minimal fee. You’ll learn step-by-step how to: master budgeting, save for emergencies, pay off debt, and invest wisely. This isn't a get-rich-quick program or a sales pitch. FPU only teaches the time-tested ways to build wealth—and keep it.
Many Harvest staff and congregants have done FPU training, put its principles into practice daily, and would be happy to talk about it. If you'd like to ask a real person questions about FPU, shoot an email to info@harvestchurch.tv